To prevent co-mingling of genetically modified (GM), conventional and organic maize seeds, store seeds adequately and apply isolation distances. This was the recommendation of a report prepared by the European Coexistence Bureau (ECoB) and published by the Joint Research Center (JRC) Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS). "The suggested practices contained in this important document are applicable within the framework of the (European) Commission's new approach to coexistence and genetically modified organism cultivation adopted in July," said Commissioner for Health and Consumer Policy John Dalli.
The Best Practice Document also outlines how alternative measures, such as shifting flowering times of GM and non-GM fields (i.e. temporal isolation), can be used in EU Member States that have the right climatic conditions. It details a set of non-binding practices, which aim to assist Member States to develop and refine their national or regional approaches to coexistence.
Download the Best Practice Document at